Working hard to protect you, your family, and your staff.
Idaho Dentists Insurance Agency (IDIA) is here to work for you. IDIA was created exclusively for dentists and is the only insurance agency that is endorsed by the Idaho State Dental Association (ISDA) for Idaho dentists, their families, and their staff.
We carefully research insurance programs that are specific to the needs of our ISDA dentist members and routinely review them, making sure they are current for the changing needs of the dental profession.
Idaho Dentists Insurance Agency was formed in 2010 as a for-profit arm of the Idaho State Dental Association. Designed as a member benefit, IDIA helps dentists simplify the process of selecting the right insurance at a reasonable price.
Support from IDIA helps ISDA provide funding for dental seminars, workshops, dental legislative efforts, and the annual session.
Contact Mike Darrow today
Cell: 208-371-3052
Email: mike@idahodia.com
Claims Made Professional Liability Policy
Office Package Policy
TDIC's Office Package Policy covers property, general liability and financial risks associated with your dental practice. This comprehensive, replacement value policy offers protection for your building, your dental office and contents in the event of a loss. Coverage also includes:
- Business Income
- Extra Expense
- Employee Dishonesty
- Valuable Papers
- Accounts Receivables
Workers Compensation
*not underwritten by TDIC
Long-Term Care
Long Term Care covers custodial care costs for people who have illnesses or disabilities and need help with daily activities. Long Term Care insurance can cover:
- Care in your home, day facilities, assisted living and nursing homes
- Specific periods of time with a specific benefit amount
Disability Income
Pays benefits when you are unable to work due to illness or injury. Coverage includes:
- Own-occupation contract
- Benefit period up to age 65, 67, or lifetime available
Life Insurance
Life Insurance can be used for a number of strategic business purposes CO leverage your dollar, including:
- Providing for your family
- Creating an estate
- College fund
- Funding business transfers and buy-outs
- Pay off loans and mortgages
Individual Medical
Group Medical
IDIA provides Group Medical insurance from several leading insurance companies.
- Must have two or more people on the plan
- Group plans for Life and Disability insurance available