ISDA Classifieds

The ISDA online classifieds are a great way to reach a broader audience and is one of the most visited parts of our website!

This section lists the latest classified ads in all areas of dentistry including practice sales, practice and job opportunities for dentists and staff, and those seeking opportunities.  Click on a classified ad category below to view ads today.

Need to list a classified on our page? Ads run for 3 months at a time and are FREE to all active member dentists of the ISDA and ADA. If you are not a member the cost is $72 per 3 month period. Click the button below to complete an ad form. 

**By listing a classified, the ISDA is not endorsing the parties who have placed the ad.  

Additional Resources 

If you're an employer or employee looking for temporary or permanent staffing solutions, consider using Stynt! Designed specifically for the industry, it is a highly efficient tool for filling positions with qualified personnel. ISDA members receive a discount on their first hire using Stynt. Stynt logo

Learn more 
Create a free profile with ADAPT today! They can help Dentists buy, or sell their practice, hire associates or help you find a job!

Learn more 